What do bicycles have to do with Reconciliation in so-called Canada?

Robin P.



This factsheet discusses the performative and symbolic approach of the Canadian government to reconciliation. The factsheet uses a metaphor of a stolen bicycle to detail important meaningful actions that must be taken to move forward with reconciliation.



  • Corntassel, J., & Holder, C. Who’s Sorry Now? Government Apologies, Truth Commissions, and Indigenous Self-Determination in Australia, Canada, Guatemala, and Peru. Hum Rights Rev 9,  no. 4, (2008): 465–489. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12142-008-0065-3

  • Corntassle, J., Chaw-win-is, & T'lakwadzi. (2009). "Indigenous Storytelling, Truth-Telling, and Community Approaches to Reconciliation". ESC: English Studies in Canada 35(1): 137- 159. DOI:10.1353/esc.0.0163

  • Coulthard, G. S. (2014). Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition. U of Minnesota Press.

  • Sitara, G. "Sorry Nation? The Age of Apology and the Work of Reconciliation." [Power Point Lecture]. University of Victoria, BC, April 6, 2021.

Key Figures
