This factsheet looks at how men of Chinese heritage and women of non-Asian hertiage negoitated the hetrosocial world of Toronto in the early to mid-twentieth century. The factsheet looks various relationships formed by these men and women and how they resisted against prevailing racist attitudes to create community.
CBC, “A look at the 1920s laws you may be breaking every day,” published October 15, 2019, every-day 1.5261147#:~:text=What%20is%20a%20morality%20officer,Liddiard%2C%20who%20plays%20Mary%20Sha
CBC. “Jailed as 'incorrigible' 60 years ago, woman wants compensation.” Published October 7, 2002. \ 60-years-ago-woman-wants-compensation-1.322439.
Chenier, E. "Sex, Intimacy, and Desire Among Men of Chinese Heritage and Women of Non-Asian Heritage in Toronto, 1910-1950." Urban History Review/Revue D'Histoire Urbaine 42, no.2 (2014): 29-59.