This factsheet looks at the death of Colton Boushie, a 22 year old Cree man in 2016. The factsheet unpacks colonial violence through the 19th and 20th centuries and its ties to the criminal justice system, and how this system works to uphold white supremacy while dispossessing Ondigenous peoples in Canada. The factsheet unpacks colonial injustice in Saskatchewan, including the "Magic Gun Defence" and "Castle Defence" which were used to defend Gerald Stanley, the white settler who shot Colton Boushie.
Belshaw, J. D. (2016) Canadian History: Post-Confederation. BCcampus. ISBN 13: 9781989623138
Hubbard, T. & Tootoosis, J. (2020). “Foreword.” Storying Violence: Unravelling Colonial Narratives in the Stanley Trial. Arbeiter Ring Publishing. pp. 9 – 13.
Hubbard, T. (Director). (2019). nîpawistamâsowin: We Will Stand Up. [Film]. National Film Board of Canada.
Starblanket, G. & Hunt, D. (2020). Storying Violence: Unravelling Colonial Narratives in the Stanley Trial. Arbeiter Ring Publishing.
Statistics Canada. (2016). “Focus on Geography Series, 2016 Census”.
Zola (@zola_mtl). (2020). “Justice for Colten”. [Image]. Instagram. utmsource=igwebcopylink