This factsheet tells the history of race through the story of Komagata Maru, a Japanese steamship of migrants that was prohibited from disembarking in Vancouver in 1914. It explores what this history says about power and how Canadians can move forward.
Continuous Journey. Dir. Ali Kazimi. 2004.
Johnston, Hugh. “The Komagata Maru and the Ghadr Party: Past and Present Aspects of a Historic Challenge to Canada's Exclusion of Immigrants from India,” BC Studies 178 (Summer 2013): 9-31, 165. Retrieved from
Mawani, Renisa. “Specters of Indigeneity in British-Indian Migration, 1914.” Law & Society Review 46, no. 2 (2012): 369–403.
Satzewich, Vic. “Whiteness Limited: Racialization and the Social Construction of ‘Peripheral Europeans. ’” Social History / Histoire Sociale 33, no. 66 (2000): 1-19. iew/4566
Sitara, G. "White Canada Forever." PowerPoint Presentation. University of Victoria, BC, Canada. January 25th, 2021.